Medical illustrations

Training and further education of dentists

Landeszahnärztekammer Hessen (State Dental Association of Hesse)

Some redesigns of illustrations were necessary for the training units of the Hessen Dental Association. I implemented these for the LZKH in 2023.

Illustrations for training units for the State Dental Association of Hesse (Landeszahnaerztekammer Hessen)

Illustrations for training units for the State Dental Association of Hesse (Landeszahnärztekammer Hessen)

In addition to a large number of dental drawings, there were also a few general medical drawings (e.g. the human heart, brain, lungs and the stable lateral position) as well as technical illustrations (e.g. the structure of an X-ray machine and various implants). The cooperation was really nice. Many thanks at this point to all the staff at the LZKH.