Illustrations for successful medical publications, patient information, presentations, medical therapy, textbooks

Medical illustrations are always helpful and necessary, whether you are studying, working in medical research or as a practicing doctor, writing publications or wanting to provide patients with relevant material during treatment and the healing process. Attractive and comprehensible drawings are also indispensable in healthcare communication.

Illustration of the human knee: ligaments, muscles, tendons, bones

Human knee: ligaments, muscles, tendons, bones

Illustration of individual instructions for patients with back complaints

Individual instructions for patients with back complaints

Medical illustration - Section through human shoulder

Section through human shoulder:
For publication about the supraspinatus tendon

Medical illustration and icons - Chronic lymphocytic leukemia

Illustration “Chronic lymphocytic Leukemia”
Information material for patients

Medical illustrations: Scoliosis - healthy and distorted spine

Illustration scoliosis: Healthy and distorted spine
(in cooperatione with Georg Stelzner)

Medical illustration - Shoulder joint prothesis - location of the implant

Shoulder joint prothesis – location of the implant

Medical illustrations - usage of medical suture material

Usage of medical suture material – Variety of needles & threads depending on range of application in the body

Medical illustration - Section through the human skull

Section through the human skull

Medical illustration for research work at a university hospital on the subject of lung disease

Illustration for research work at a university hospital on the subject of lung disease

Medical anatomical illustration - Liver, gall bladder, duodenum

Liver, gall bladder, duodenum

Illustrations for brochure about growth and growth disorders: Height and weight measurement for children

Growth & growth disorders
Brochure for parents

Schematic illustration: Biological processes during puberty

Biological processes during puberty
Interaction of the gonads with the brain

Medical anatomical illustration: Inflammation ureter and bladder

Urological illustration of the ureter and bladder

Schenatic illustration of viral processes: Inhibitors

Viral processes: Inhibitors
For publication about HIV

Frequently asked questions about medical illustrations (FAQ)

What is a medical illustration?

Anything that deals with medical topics. Very versatile, both thematically and stylistically: anatomy, drugs (principle of action, structure), microbiological processes, cellular research, virology, diagnostics (methodology, devices), materials (e.g. surgical suture material, knotting technique), patient information, publications, lectures.

What do I need medical illustrations for?

With different objectives (target group(s)), illustrations help to present the often complicated and possibly “unappetizing” topics in such a way that they are understood. For example, patient information: Good illustrations inform affected people, help them to understand and deal with illnesses and provide reassurance about upcoming operations or therapies.

What do I need to look out for in a medical information graphic?

First, know your target group. This will determine the style and structure of the graphics. Then: medical accuracy. As simple as possible, but do not over-simplify or above all else present incorrect data, just for the sake of comprehensibility. And last but not least: Appealing and aesthetic design. The graphics should also be a treat for the eyes, no matter what is being displayed.

What is the procedure for creating a visualization of health information?

It always starts with a detailed discussion. It has proven to be a good idea to start a project (especially if it is more complicated) with a telephone or video conference in which as many of the project participants as possible are present. This avoids misunderstandings, the team usually has good ideas during this process and the effort, coordination processes and timing can be planned very well.

Who are medicinal illustrations for?

Medical illustrations and information graphics are used in all areas of medicine. It is therefore important to know who the illustration is intended for: patient-doctor communication (brochures, information leaflets, explanatory booklets, explanatory animations, etc.), scientific publications, lectures, training courses for doctors or medical staff, children/young people, senior citizens, people with visual impairments (e.g. red-green deficiency or reduced visual acuity), people from other cultural backgrounds (languages, visual language, cultural taboos, etc.).

What does an illustration cost?

A medical illustration can consist of a simple little sketch or a highly complex interplay of multi-layered content, some of whose interactions are first worked out during or through the accompanying illustrative process. Prices therefore vary greatly. That’s why I always start with a very precise briefing in which I ask a lot of questions and then calculate an offer based on this.

In what form will I receive the illustrations?

That depends on the application you want as a customer. All common graphic formats (e.g. PNG, JPG, TIFF, PDF, EPS, SVG …) can be created and delivered without any problems. Multilingual versions or color or grayscale versions for print and screen applications are also possible.