Clear illustrations of complex topics
On these pages I, as a medical-scientific illustrator, will present to you a portfolio with numerous information graphics, which demonstrate impressively how complex systems are connected.
All of the information graphics here are the result of extensive briefing and communication as well as intensive conceptual work. A good illustration is the result of attentive listening, intelligent questions, thinking, developing and elaborating with attention to detail. This makes understanding how things work in areas such as medicine, health care, science, IT, logistics and technology immediately clear and easy at a glance.
Click through the thematically organized pages to find the fitting topic to the illustration you’re looking for. If you have any questions, please contact me (++49-(0)69-95620090). I’ll be happy to help you.

Illustration for medical publications, patient information, presentations, medical therapy and textbooks

Scientific illustration

Technical illustration

Knowledge comprehensible for any age in textbooks, training documents and presentations

Numbers and data visualized in CI-compliant pictures: From pie chart to complex content

Design of memorable and comprehensible symbols: Loogs, pictograms, icons and vignettes

Historical, geoscientific, sociological topics displayed on maps

Illustration, conception and programming of interactive infographics

Design and concept of animations and educational-films
Making science visible
Visual and illustrative design plays an important role in making the transfer of knowledge and information comprehensible and easily understandable.
The illustrator as service provider and problem solver
Whether you are in the market for infographics for technical articles, presentations, visualizations of complex matters or you are looking to provide your patients with information relating to their medical treatments, you will find the solution here.