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4) Geoscientific Illustration

Nuclear repositories: The search for suitable sites in Germany

Infographics for Bundesgesellschaft für Endlagerung mbH – BGE (Federal company for radioactive waste disposal)

Deutschlands Ausstieg aus der Kernenergie

Nuclear repositories: Germany’s phase-out of nuclear energy

As a qualified geologist, this is a topic that I have addressed several times: Final disposal.

As part of my studies, I was on site and underground at some of the planned final and interim storage facilities – “Asse”, “Morsleben”, “Gorleben” and “Schacht Konrad”. I am also involved in sustainability projects and initiatives. That’s why the BGE’s assignments are particularly important and appealing to me.

An article with the embedded graphic above can be found on the website “einblicke.de” of the Federal company for radioactive waste disposal.

Nuclear power: Geological criteria for nuclear repositories

Nuclear power: Geological criteria for a nuclear waste repository