Projects and references

My clients are my moti­vation to provide the best service possible. They are my “engine” for crea­tivity. I would like to use this occasion to say Thank You!


I work for many agencies in the healthcare, PR and advertising sectors as well as with many clients in the fields of medicine, pharmacy, science, finance, education, environmental protection, technology, trade and much more. EMDE GRAFIK’s work is also published by a number of publishers in Germany and abroad.

Teaching activity

  • Lecturer for media design (Institut für berufliche Bildung – IBB), Frankfurt am Main, Germany
  • Lecturer at “Zentrum für Hochschuldidaktik”, Ingolstadt, Germany
  • Lecturer at “Deutsche Angestellten Akademie”, Frankfurt am Main, Germany
  • Courses of drawing for children and young people
  • Assistence in coaching seminars
  • Mentor for young professionals (Illustration)


  • June 2003 – August 2003: Exhibition at PR agency “Döhring Public Relations”, Frankfurt am Main
  • June 2004 – July 2004: Member “36 ILLUSTRATOREN FFM”, Gallustheater, Frankfurt am Main
  • September 2004 – December 2004: Exhibition at “Nachbarschaftszentrum Ginnheim”, Frankfurt am Main
  • November 2004 – February 2005: Member “36 ILLUSTRATOREN FFM”, Gebrüder Bauer, Frankfurt am Main
  • October 2012: Member “Familienclan”, KuKuk, Wettenberg/Gleiberg-Krofdorf (nearby Gießen)
  • November 2012: Member “Illustratoren am Main”, Atelier Frankfurt, Frankfurt am Main


  • “Kleinstein” (text, illustrations, in collaboration with Volker Tanger: text and awesome crazy ideas), Cartoon, 1993
  • “Lunic and Sonja” (illustrations), in “Astronomie heute”, Spektrum der Wissenschaft publishing house, 2006 – 2008
  • “Mein Entenbuch 1” (illustrations), a publication of “Zahlenland OhG”, 2007
  • “Mein Entenbuch 2” (illustrations), a publication of “Zahlenland OhG”, 2007
  • “Mein Zahlenbuch 1” (illustrations), a publication of “Zahlenland OhG”, 2007
  • “Mein Zahlenbuch 2” (illustrations), a publication of “Zahlenland OhG”, 2008
  • “Gemeinsam Biologie” (illustrations), Schulbuch Biologie 6.ste Klasse, Verlag Jugend & Volk, Wien, 2015
  • “Gemeinsam Biologie – Übungsheft” (illustrations), textbook education biology, Verlag Jugend & Volk, Wien, 2015
  • “Gemeinsam Biologie – Begleitheft” (illustrations), textbook education biology, Verlag Jugend & Volk, Wien, 2015
  • “Geld – was ist das eigentlich?” (text, concept and illustrations), textbook education economics, Verlag 3.0, 2017
  • “Kommissar Ludwig – Frankfurt am Main” (text, idea and illustrations), crime story, comedy, Verlag BoD, 2022 –
  • “Money – what is it anyway?” (text, concept and illustrations), textbook education economics, Verlag BoD, 2023


references: 20 reasons for illustration