Featured projects
There are always some featured projects which are somehow special. Be it because of the complex question, the objective, the originality, the focus on a challenging topic or the process itself. Some projects stay in your memory and you still enjoy revisiting them years later.
Here we present a few of these projects and explain what made them so special.
1) Technical illustration, instruction manual
parson AG / NDS e.V.
One of my favorite projects: The company “parson AG” in Hamburg, which specializes in high-quality technical editing, was commissioned to explain how a navigation database works for the association “Navigation Data Standard (NDS) e. V.“.

Illustrations and icons for navigation systems:
Display of software element of a navigation device
2) Scientific illustration, geology
Reservoir formation (oil, gas)
Graphics on the subject of reservoir formation and Nord Stream 2.

Geo science illustration: Formation of deposits of oil and gas
3) Medical and scientific illustration
Projects for the University Dermatology Clinic at Freiburg im Breisgau, Germany
A wide range of graphics, illustrations, corporate design, vignettes and cartoons were created for the University Dermatology Clinic in Freiburg im Breisgau for book publications, lectures, publications, websites and product support.

Medical illustration:
Cross section through human skin / epidermis
4) Geoscientific illustration
The search for nuclear repositories in Germany
Infographics for Bundesgesellschaft für Endlagerung mbH (BGE)
Nuclear waste disposal: Still a hotly debated and unsolved problem.

Geological minimum requirements for nuclear waste repository
5) Infographic Frankfurt, Germany
Frankfurt am Main in funny figures
Work for exhibition „Illustratoren am Main“, November 2012
A small “love letter” to my hometown.

Statistics: Frankfurt am Main, Germany, in figures