Featured projects
5) Infographic City of Frankfurt, Germany
Frankfurt am Main in funny figures
Work for exhibition „Illustratoren am Main“, November 2012

Statistics: Frankfurt am Main in figures (data: 2010 and earlier)
Infographic City of Frankfurt: This free work was created for the exhibition “Illustratoren am Main”, which took place in November 2012 near the Frankfurt Trade Fair center. Using numerous statistics that I was able to research about my hometown and birthplace, I arranged various diagrams as a city in a humorous and funny way. One of my data sources was the official city portal of Frankfurt. The figures used are from 2010 or earlier.
The skyline became a list of column and bar charts, the Europaturm, which the people of Frankfurt call the “Ginnheimer Spargel” (This means “asparagus from Ginnheim”. Ginnheim is a city district in Frankfurt. Funnily enough, however, the “Ginnheimer Spargel” is grown in the neighboring district of Frankfurt-Bockenheim), became a pie chart, as did the sun, the number of residential buildings became a street, the “Big wheel” at the “Dippemess” shows how many hospitals there are and the number of visitors to the zoo can be read from the height of the giraffes.